After doing a lot of searching the internet for information about these big things and looking at pictures on flickr from many people who also photograph these things, I decided to start a blog in an attempt to share the information I may have. It seems that a lot of people love these things and the more information available the better.
So what is The Big Stuff Project?
A couple years ago my wife (then fiance) said that she wanted to visit all of the large, odd statues, monuments, art pieces, or whatever you want to call them (we call them "big stuff" or the plural "big stuffs"), throughout the state of Minnesota. I was completely on board. This has become our Big Stuff Project.
We have already knocked quite a few off of our list, but Minnesotans seem to love these things and we have a long ways to go. I guess I'll start this blog by jumping in the way-back machine and revisting the big stuff we have already been to.
Welcome to anyone who is reading this. *crickets*
My wife and I are on a mission to visit all the oversized local landmarks throughout Minnesota. This blog chronicles those visits and covers other related topics.
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Interesting concept! I look forward to reading more about your project.
Thanks. We've visited twenty-some of these so far and it's been a lot of fun. I plan on posting about all of them.
Hey! I'm happy to find your blog!
Thanks for the link to my Big Girl, Big Stuff site.
Happy hunting!
Quite an interesting project guys! You might want to check out (a big collection of words) :-)
What an exciting blog! I just stumbled upon it while looking for a picture of a big ear of corn, similar to one I saw while cycling in Wisconsin. Fascinating stuff......
Thanks, Tasha. I'm glad you like it.
Hey...just came across your blog. I too am visiting big and interesting things all over. You can see some of my stuff at http;//
David "Sumoflam" Kravetz
It looks like you've had some real fun travels, David. It's always fun to hear from more people who enjoy these things.
When you get out to Maine, you'll wanna check out the Big Boot at the LL Bean Store in Freeport.
Great site! I found you via a link from Lileks. If you ever make it down here to Texas, you should go to Odessa and check out the World's Largest Jackrabbit statue.
And if you were to have a lot of time on a Texas trip, there's always the giant Sam Houston statue in Huntsville, north of Houston, and the giant giraffe that marks the entrance to the Dallas Zoo. (The animal's tongue was extended from its original length--though some have said it's supposed to be a blade of grass on the end--so that it would be taller than the Sam Houston statue by a minuscule amount. The whole Dallas/Houston rivalry never ends, even though it would be a stretch--giraffe pun slightly intended--to call Huntsville part of Greater Houston.)
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
I was inspired by your Big Stuff Project to make a web page of my postcards:
Big Things to See in Minnesota: Monumental Roadside Postcards
Thanks, Postcardy. Those are really cool. You know, I think I was just looking at your Flickr photostream a couple days ago.
Josh, I recently ran across your blog while doing some research on MN roadside oddities. I have been doing something very similar in the last couple years and have chronicled it on facebook. Let me know if you want a link! We have visited a lot of the same places.
Hey Josh,
Stumbled on your blog - as a displaced Wisconsinite in California, you've made me very nostalgic for giant fiberglass roadside *art* You may want to check out a place called M. Schettl Sales Inc. in Oshkosh, WI - one of my favorite places on earth. A veritable fiberglass forest. Definitely worth a road trip. Here's a link to their website.
If you ever decide to go international with your project, consider coming to Australia. We have the Big Banana, big Beer Can, big Bench, big Bull, big Bicycle, big Guitar, big Knight, big Merino (sheep), big Oyster, big Prawn, big Tennis Racquet, big Trout and big Wine Bottle, just to name a few. :)
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